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Firstly let go of the idea that you can, or should, exert control. Do not work from control, but from facilitating the energy. Be an example. Be as present as possible and support every bit of energy that contributes to the general purpose. It’s all others who will decide upon your influence. If you don’t see positive echo’s of your actions or being, dare to change your role. Mind you that is totally not the same as shouting louder because everyone seems to overlook your presence. The silent forces often help the most. They clean, care, feed, listen. Acknowledge them. That’s exactly what power seekers don’t do.

Dare to play different roles. Be idea carrier and see if you are followed. Adjust your ideas with your first followers until it becomes more popular. See all criticism as building material, never as attack. Make your message as attractive, easy and as fun as possible to follow.

Communicate. Clarity of purpose, honesty of intention and the quality of attention are essential cornerstones to powerful communication. With no laws, little rules, lots of goodwill wearing out as time progresses and little seems achieved, being understood and truthful is essential for progress. You have to share how you truly feel. Just like in therapy: acceptance and awareness are the keys to change.

If you don’t have an idea about what to do, than follow and support what needs help. It doesn’t have to be your idea. Invite and connect as many people as possible within the dialogue. Create a community out of your environment, where people regard each others as members of the same movement, with the same purpose.

“What is not good for the Swarm is not good for the Bee.” Marcus Aurelius

Preparing the attitude of others.

I’ve been working with swarm leadership for a while. I became interested in the phenomenon when I trained improvisation groups. I wondered: Would it be possible to have 30 or more people walk on stage at the same time and have them improvising a show from scratch? What kind of dynamics, tools and personal attention would they need to make it possible? When I discovered it was possible, I applied my findings in theatre, dance, networks, organizations and gaming. I’m still hoping to work with a symphonic orchestra for 2 days to have them play an improvised symphony from scratch without a conductor in front. Call me if you can make it happen!

Walk with me, as we discover how to get your ‘players’ in the right frame of mind. If possible and if (big if) the people are willing training helps. Not only is setting the following principles very helpful. It also helps to create a good mood and lets people be closer and easier with each other. When people start to touch each other more freely (with respect and attentiveness!) that is mostly a good sign.

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